Solid Oxide Interfaces for Faster Ion Transport JSPS Core-to-Core Program(Advanced Research Networks)


Title Date Location
1st A workshop on the interface of solids for faster ion conduction
(1st workshop/seminar on Solid Oxide Interfaces for Faster Ion Transport(SOIFIT))
2017.6.29 – 2017.7.1 Kyushu University
2nd A workshop on the interface of solids for faster ion conduction
(1st general meeting of Solid Oxide Interfaces for Faster Ion Transport(SOIFIT))
2017.10.10 Imperial College of London
3rd A workshop on the interface of solids for faster ion conduction
(2rd seminar/workshop on Solid Oxide Interfaces for Faster Ion Transport(SOIFIT))
2018.2.7 Kyushu University
JSPS Core-to-Core 4th Seminar/Workshop on Solid Oxide Interfaces for Faster Ion Transport (SOIFIT) 2018. 7. 23-24 Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland
JSPS Core-to-Core 5th Seminar/Workshop on Solid Oxide Interfaces for Faster Ion Transport (SOIFIT) 2019. 1. 24-25 British Council, Tokyo
International workshop entitled “The Power of Interfaces: Fundamentals for Solid State Devices” 2020. Mar. 11-12. the Royal Society in London, UK.