Solid Oxide Interfaces for Faster Ion Transport JSPS Core-to-Core Program(Advanced Research Networks)

Publication and presentation list

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(1)Refereed Papers

1 Keigo Nakamura, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa, Masatomo Yashima, ” Crystal structure and electrical conductivity of BaR2ZnO5 (R = Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, and Er) – A new structure family of oxide-ion conductors”, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 2018
2 Wataru Uno, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa, Shuki Torii, Ping Miao, Takashi, Kamiyama, Masatomo Yashima, ” Experimental visualization of oxide-ion diffusion paths in pyrochlore-type Yb2Ti2O7″, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 2018
3 Ji Wu, Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima, Aleksandar Staykov, Taner Akbay, Tatsumi Ishihara, John A. Kilner, “A systematic evaluation of the role of lanthanide elements in functional complex oxides; implications for energy conversion devices”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 11819–11829, (2018.5)
4 Wenrui Zhang, Masahiro Shiraiwa, Nannan Wang, Tingli Ma, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa, Masatomo Yashima”Pr/Ba cation-disordered perovskite Pr2/3Ba1/3CoO3-δ as a new bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reactions” Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 124, 814-819, (2018,10)
5 Eiki Niwa, Masatomo Yashima ”Discovery of Oxide-Ion Conductors with a New Crystal Structure, BaSc2-xAxSi3O10-x/2 (A: Mg, Ca) by Screening Sc-Containing Oxides through the Bond-Valence Method and Experiments” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1, 4009-4015, (2018,7)
6 Ryota Inoue, Kotaro Fujii, Masahiro Shiraiwa, Eiki Niwa, Masatomo Yashima ”A new structure family of oxide-ion conductor Ca0.8Y2.4Sn0.8O6 discovered by a combined technique of the bond-valence method and experiments”, Dalton Transactions, 47, 7515-7521, (2018,4)
7 Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima, Keisuke Hibino, Masahiro Shiraiwa, Koichiro Fukuda, Susumu Nakayama, Nobuo Ishizawa, Takayasu Hanashima, Takashi Ohhara ”High oxide-ion conductivity by the overbonded channel oxygens in Si-deficient La9.565(Si5.826□0.174)O26 apatite without interstitial oxygens”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 10835–10846, (2018.4)
8 Wataru Uno, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa, Shuki Torii, Ping Miao, Takashi Kamiyama, Masatomo Yashima ”Experimental visualization of oxide-ion diffusion paths in pyrochlore-type Yb2Ti2O7”, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 124, 341-345, (2018,5)
9 Keigo Nakamura, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa, Masatomo Yashima ”Crystal structure and electrical conductivity of BaR2ZnO5 (R = Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, and Er) – A new structure family of oxide-ion conductors”,Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 124, 292-299, (2018,11)
10 Dino Klotz “Negative capacitance or inductive loop? – A general assessment of a common low frequency impedance feature”,Electrochemistry Communications, 98, 56-62.
11 Franziska Hess, Aleksandar Staykov, Bilge Yildiz, John Kilner “Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Materials and Interfaces”, Handbook of Materials Modeling.
12 K. Leonard, J. Druce, V. Thoreton, J.A. Kilner, H. Matsumoto “Exploring mixed proton/electron conducting air electrode materials in protonic electrolysis cell”, Solid State Ionics, 319 (2018) 218.
13 A. Staykov, S. Fukumori, K. Yoshizawa, K. Sato, T. Ishihara, J. Kilner “Interaction of SrO-terminated SrTiO3 surface with oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6(45) 22662 (2018).
14 J. Wu, K. Fujii, M. Yashima, A. Staykov, T. Akbay, T. Ishihara, J.A. Kilner. “A systematic evaluation of the role of lanthanide elements in functional complex oxides; implications for energy conversion devices”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (25) 11819 (2018).
15 Leonard, K., Druce, J., Thoreton, V., Kilner, J.A., Matsumoto, H., “Exploring mixed proton/electron conducting air electrode materials in protonic electrolysis cell”. Solid State Ionics 319, 218-222.
16 Fujisaki, T., Staykov, A.T., Jing, Y., Leonard, K., Aluru, N.R., Matsumoto, H., 2019. “Understanding the effect of Ce and Zr on chemical expansion in yttrium doped strontium cerate and zirconate by high temperature X-ray analysis and density functional theory”. Solid State Ionics, 333, 1-8.
17 Y.Takamura, K. Leonardo, A. Luo, L.W. Marin, H. Matsumoto. “Platinum nanoparticle induced nanoionic effects on electrical conduction in strontium cerate and zirconate.” Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 23.3 (2019): 953-963.
18 SunJae Kim, Taner Akbay, Junko Matsuda, Atsushi Takagaki, Tatsumi Ishihara “Strain Effects on Oxygen Reduction Activity of Pr2NiO4 Caused by Gold Bulk Dispersion for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2(2), 1210-1220, (2019)
19 E. Gilardi, A. Fluri, T. Lippert, and D. Pergolesi; Real-time monitoring of stress evolution during thin film growth by in situ substrate curvature measurement, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 082513 (2019)
20 Y. Shi, A. Fluri, I. Garbayo, J. J. Schwiedrzik, J. Michler, D. Pergolesi, T. Lippert, J. L. M. Rupp; Zigzag or spiral-shaped nanostructures improve mechanical stability in yttria-stabilized zirconia membranes for micro-energy conversion devices, Nano Energy 59, 674–682 (2019)
21 D. Ferri, D. Pergolesi, and E. Fabbri; Energy Conversion Processes with Perovskite-type Materials, Chimia 73, 913–921 (2019)
22 C. A. M. van den Bosch, A. Cavallaro, R. Moreno, G. Cibin, G. Kerherve, J. M. Caicedo, T. K. Lippert, M. Doebeli, J. Santiso, S. J. Skinner, and A. Aguadero; Revealing Strain Effects on the Chemical Composition of Perovskite Oxide Thin Films Surface, Bulk, and Interfaces, Adv. Mater. Interfaces , 1901440 (2019)
23 C. W. Schneider, M. Döbeli, Chr. Richter, and T. Lippert; Oxygen diffusion in oxide thin films grown on SrTiO3 Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 123401 (2019)
24 Masatomo Yashima, Takafumi Tsujiguchi, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa, Shunta Nishioka, James R. Hester, Kazuhiko Maeda, “Direct evidence for two-dimensional oxide-ion diffusion in the hexagonal perovskite-related oxide Ba3MoNbO8.5–δ”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7(23), 13910-13916(2019)
25 Aleksandra Mielewczyk‐Gryń, Sebastian Wachowski, Agnieszka Witkowska, Kacper Dzierzgowski, Wojciech Skubida, Konrad Świerczek, Anna Regoutz, David J. Payne, Stephen Hull, Hangfeng Zhang, Isaac Abrahams, Maria Gazda “Antimony substituted lanthanum orthoniobate proton conductor – Structure and electronic properties”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103 (11), 6575-6585 (2020)
26 Wenrui Zhang, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa, Masato Hagihala, Takashi Kamiyama, Masatomo Yashima, “Oxide-ion conduction in the Dion–Jacobson phase CsBi2Ti2NbO10-δ”, Nature Communications, 11(1), 1-8 (2020)
27 Kotaro Fujii, Yume Yoshida, Yue Jin Shan, Keitaro Tezuka, Yoshiyuki Inaguma, Masatomo Yashima, “Cation- and anion-ordered rutile-type derivative LiTeO3(OH)”, Chemical Communications, 56 (69), 10042-10045(2020)
28 Wenrui Zhang, Kotaro Fujii, Tomohiro Ishiyama, Harue Kandabashi, Masatomo Yashima, “Dion-Jacobson-type oxide-ion conductor CsLa2Ti2NbO10-δ without phase transitions”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8(47)25085-25093 (2020)
29 A. Fluri, H. Kusaba, J. Druce, M. Döbeli, T. Lippert, J. Matsuda and T. Ishihara; Strain effects on the Co oxidation state and the oxygen dissociation activity in barium lanthanum cobaltite thin films on Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8, 6283 (2020)
30 L. Mazzei, D. Rukser, F. Biebl, B. Grimm-Lebsanft, G. Neuber, D. Pergolesi, L. Börjesson, M. A. Rübhausen, J. Andreasson and M. Karlsson; Phonon spectra of pure and acceptor doped BaZrO3 investigated with visible and UV Raman spectroscopy J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 405403 (2020)
31 K. K. Ghuman, E. Gilardi, D. Pergolesi, J. Kilner, and T. Lippert; Microstructural and Electronic Properties of the YSZ/CeO2 Interface via Multiscale Modeling, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124 15680−15687 (2020)
32 Celikbilek, O., A. Cavallaro, G. Kerherve, S. Fearn, O. Chaix-Pluchery, A. Aguadero, J.A. Kilner, and S.J. Skinner, Surface Restructuring of Thin-Film Electrodes Based on Thermal History and Its Significance for the Catalytic Activity and Stability at the Gas/Solid and Solid/Solid Interfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020. 12(30): p. 34388-34401.
33 ao, R., A.C.P. Jain, S. Pandya, Y.Q. Dong, Y.K. Yuan, H. Zhou, L.R. Dedon, V. Thoreton, S. Saremi, R.J. Xu, A. Luo, T. Chen, V. Gopalan, E. Ertekin, J. Kilner, T. Ishihara, N.H. Perry, D.R. Trinkle, and L.W. Martin, Designing Optimal Perovskite Structure for High Ionic Conduction. Advanced Materials, 2020. 32(1): p. 9.
34 Niania, M., M. Sharpe, R. Webb, and J.A. Kilner, The surface of complex oxides; ion beam based analysis of energy materials. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2020. 480: p. 27-32.
35 Niania, M.A.R., A.K. Rossall, J.A. Van den Berg, and J.A. Kilner, The effect of sub-surface strontium depletion on oxygen diffusion in La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020. 8(37): p. 19414-19424.
36 Gao, R., A. Fernandez, T. Chakraborty, A. Luo, D. Pesquera, S. Das, G. Velarde, V. Thoréton, J. Kilner, T. Ishihara, S. Nemšák, E.J. Crumlin, E. Ertekin, and L.W. Martin, Correlating Surface Crystal Orientation and Gas Kinetics in Perovskite Oxide Electrodes. Advanced Materials, 2021. n/a(n/a): p. 2100977.
37 Rowena Helen, B., J.C. Richard, K. John, and A. Ainara, Experimental determination of Li diffusivity in LLZO using isotopic exchange and FIB-SIMS. Journal of Physics: Energy, 2021. 3: p. 034001.
38 Thoreton, V., M. Niania, and J. Kilner, Kinetics of competing exchange of oxygen and water at the surface of functional oxides. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021. 23(4): p. 2805-2811.
39 Masahiro Shiraiwa, Takafusa Kido, Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima, “High-temperature proton conductors based on the (110) layered perovskite BaNdScO4”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9, 8607-8619(2021)
40 Masatomo Yashima, Takafumi Tsujiguchi, Yuichi Sakuda, Yuta Yasui, Yu Zhou, Kotaro Fujii, Shuki Torii, Takashi Kamiyama, Stephen J Skinner, “High oxide-ion conductivity through the interstitial oxygen site in Ba7Nb4MoO20-based hexagonal perovskite related oxides”, Nature communications, 12(556)1-7(2021)
41 Keisuke Hibino, Mahiro Tanaka, Satoshi Kozakai, Kotaro Fujii, Tatsumi Ishihara, James R Hester, Masatomo Yashima, “Experimental Visualization of the Interstitialcy Diffusion of Anions in the LaOF-Based Oxyfluoride La0.9Sr0.1O0.45F2”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4(9) 8891–8900(2021)
42 Taito Murakami, Toshiya Shibata, Yuta Yasui, Kotaro Fujii, James R Hester, Masatomo Yashima, “High Oxide-Ion Conductivity in a Hexagonal Perovskite-Related Oxide Ba7Ta3.7Mo1.3O20.15 with Cation Site Preference and Interstitial Oxide Ions”, Small, 2106785(2021)
43 Yuta Yasui, Takafumi Tsujiguchi, Yuichi Sakuda, James R Hester, Masatomo Yashima, “Oxide-Ion Occupational Disorder, Diffusion Path, and Conductivity in Hexagonal Perovskite Derivatives Ba3WNbO8.5 and Ba3MoNbO8.5”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(5) 2383–2393(2022)
44 Kei Saito, Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima, “Oxide-ion and proton conductivity of the ordered perovskite BaY1/3Ga2/3O2.5”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 306, 122733(2022)
45 Wenrui Zhang, Masatomo Yashima, “Improved oxide-ion conductivity by substitution of Sr for Bi in Dion-Jacobson phase CsBi2Ti2NbO10”, Ceramics International, In Press(2022)
46 Hiroshi Yaguchi, Kotaro Fujii, Yoshinori Tsuchiya, Hiraku Ogino, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, Masatomo Yashima, “Ruddlesden–Popper Oxychlorides Ba3Y2O5Cl2, Sr3Sc2O5Cl2, and Sr2ScO3Cl: First Examples of Oxide-Ion-Conducting Oxychlorides”, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 5(1), 295–304 (2022)
47 T. Defferriere, D. Klotz, J. C. Gonzalez-Rosillo, J. L. M. Rupp, and H. L. Tuller, Photo-Enhanced Ionic Conductivity Across Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline Ceramics, Nat. Mater. 2022, on line,
48 Zhao, Y., J. Kilner, T. Ishihara, K. Yoshizawa, and A. Staykov, Effect of electronic interactions and coordination spheres on ionic diffusion in LaxSr1-xGayMg1-yO3-δ. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2022. 161: p. 110393.

(2)International conference


1 ○Ji Wu, Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima,Taner Akbay, Aleksandar Staykov, Tatsumi Ishihara, John A. Kilner; “Understanding the role of A-site atoms in the catalytic activity of ABO3 perovskites” at Nature Conference onMaterials Electrochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications in Shenzhen, China, Jan. 2018.
2 ○J. A. Kilner, “Ionic and mixed conduction phenomena in oxides and their applications in devices” , ICE 2017, 8th International Conference on Electroceramics, Nagoya, Japan 28-31st June 2017.(Plenary talk)
3 ○Kulbir Kaur Ghuman, “Dopes Amorphous TiO2 as a Photocatalyst for Water Splitting”, MRS 2017, Boston, U.S,A, Nov 27-Dec.1, 2017
4 ○Masatomo Yashima “Visualization of the Ion-Diffusion Path and Chemical Bonding in Inorganic Materials”, 16th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Formulations, July 26-28, 2018, Rome, Italy. (Keynote speech),(2018.7.26)
5 Eiki Niwa “Exploration of a New Structure Family of Oxide-ion Conductors BaSc2SiO3O10 by the Bond Valance Method and Experiments”, Collaborative Conference on Material Research (CCMR), June 27-28, 2018, Songdo Convensia, Korea. (2018.6.28)
6 Masatomo Yashima “Ion-Diffusion Mechanism and Explantaion of New Structure-Type Ion Conductors”,3rd Global Congress and Expo on Materials Science and Nanoscience, June 13-16, 2018, Rome, Italy. (Keynote speech),(2018.6.15)
7 Masatomo Yashima “Crystal Structure of Oxides and Mixed-Anion Compounds”, 9th International Petra School of Physics, Oct 10-12, 2018, University of Amman, Jordan. ,(2018.10.10)
8 Masatomo Yashima, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa, Keisuke “Precise Structure Analysis and New Material Exploration of Oxides and Mixed-Anion Compounds for Oxide-Ion Conductors and Photocatalysts”, 9th International Petra School of Physics, Oct 10-12, 2018, Yarmouk University, Jordan. ,(2018.10.11)
9 ○Masatomo Yashima, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa “Precise Crystal Structure , Phase Transformation and Properties of Ceramic Materials”, Precise Crystal Structure, 2nd International Conference and Expo on Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 15-17, 2018, Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport, Netherlands. ,(2018.10.15)
10 Masatomo Yashima, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa, Masahiro Shiraiwa, Keisuke Hibino and Ayaka Fujimoto“Precise Crystal Structure Analysis and Structure-Based Design of Ceramic Materials”, 4th Global Congress & Expo on Materials Science and Nanoscience, Oct 15-17, 2018, Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport, Netherlands,(2018.10.15)
11 Masatomo Yashima, Kotaro Fujii, Eiki Niwa “Ion-Diffusion Mechanism and Exploration of New Structure-Type Ion Conductors”, 19th International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA), Oct 31-Nov 2, 2018, Bali, Indonesia,(2018.11.1)
12 Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima, Eiki Niwa “Origin of the high oxide-ion conductivity in the apatite-type lanthanum silicates”, AsCA2018, Dec 2-5, 2018, University of Auckland’s Business School (New Zealand),(2018.12.4)
13 Dino Klotz “Generalized Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (GEIS) in Solid State Ionics”, E-MRS, June 19, 2018, Strasbourg (France).
14 Dino Klotz, Nicola Perry, Harry Tuller“Analyzing the Oxygen Reduction Reaction at Solid-Gas Interfaces by Optical Impedance Spectroscopy”, E-MRS, June 19, 2019, Strasbourg (France).
15 Dino Klotz “Generalized Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (GEIS) in Solid State Ionics”, Electroceramics XVI, July 9, 2018, Hasselt (Belgium).
16 Dino Klotz, Nicola Perry, Harry Tuller “Analyzing the Oxygen Reduction Reaction at Solid-Gas Interfaces by Optical Impedance Spectroscopy”, Electroceramics XVI, July 12, 2018, Hasselt (Belgium).
17 Dino Klotz, Thomas Defferriere, Jennifer Rupp, Harry Tuller “Photoconductivity Analyzed in the Frequency Domain – An Introductory Case Study of Strontium Titanate”, Nonstoichiometric Compounds VII, March 11, Miyazaki (Japan).
18 Kwati Leonardo, “Evaluating proton uptake in mixed ionic/electronic conducting air electrode materials for electrochemical devices”, International Conference on Inorganice Membranes (ICIM), June 17-22, Dresden (Germany)
19 Kwati Leonardo, “Characterization of Proton Uptake through Air Electrode Materials for Electrochemical Devices”, Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy (MCARE2018), Aug. 19-24, Vancouver (Germany)
20 ○Yasuhiro Takamura, Kwati Leonard, Hiroshige Matsumoto, “Effect of Dispersion of Platinum Nanoparticles in Strontium Zirconate and Strontium Cerate Proton Conductors”, 233rd ECS MEETING, May 2018, Seattle (USA)
21 Vincent Thoréton, John Druce, Tatsumi Ishihara, John Kilner, “Influence of H2O and CO2 on the surface composition & oxygen exchange kinetics of IT-SOC air electrodes”, 13th European Fuel Cell Forum, Lucerne (Switzerland)
22 Vincent Thoréton, Matthew Niania, Tatsumi Ishihara, John Kilner, “Influence of steam and CO2 on oxygen transport kinetics and surface chemistry of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ”, EMRS Spring 2018、Strasbourg (France)
23 J.A.Kilner, “Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductors for High Temperature Electrochemical Devices”, The International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials 2018, Ghent (Belgium) (Keynote speech)
24 Mathew Niania , Richard Chater, John Kilner, “Relationship between crystal orientation and oxygen exchange rate in La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ”, EUROPEAN SOFC & SOE FORUM 2018, Luzern (Switzerland)
25 J.A.Kilner, “Air electrodes for solid oxide cells; complex materials in a complex environment”, MATERIALS CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, Milton Keynes (UK)
26 J.A.Kilner, “Understanding the Surfaces of Complex Oxides Used in High Temperature Electrochemical Devices “, American Vacuum Society 65th International Symposium & Exhibition, Long Beach CA (USA) (Plenary talk)
27 John Druce,Helena Tellez, Alex Staykov, “Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductors for High Temperature Electrochemical Devices”,XXIX Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering Incorporating the 68th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Tornto (Canada) (Invited talk)
28 John A. Kilner, John Druce, Helena Tellez, Alex Staykov, “Oxygen surface exchange: implications for high temperature electrochemical devices”, Solid State Chemistry Group Christmas Meeting 2018 (Royal Society of Chemistry), London (UK)
29 Dino Klotz, “Generalized Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy- Analyzing Solid-Gas Interfaces Optically” invited plenary talk, 11th International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy, Chemnitz (Germany)
30 Kulbir K. Ghuman,“RuFe Nano Alloy Catalyst for NH3 Synthesis: Higher activity and resistance to surface-poisoning than conventional Ru and Fe Catalysts”, International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials (NANOSMAT-Africa), Cape Town (South Africa)
31 ○Masatomo Yashima, Keisuke Hibino, Takafumi Tsujiguchi, Kotaro Fujii, Taito Murakami, Kazuhiko Maeda, “Structure, electron density and diffusion path of mixed-anion compounds and oxides”, The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies, Okinawa(2019.10.27)
32 ○Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima, “Structure science of oxide-ion conductors – exploration of new oxide-ion conductors and investigation of oxide-ion conduction mechanisms -”, The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies, Okinawa(2019.10.27)
33 T. Lippert, Laser preparation of oxynitride thin films: photocatalytic properties, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, May 2019
34 T. Lippert, Laser induced forward transfer (LIFT) of functional materials, Lecture at EPFL in the School of Engineering-Institute of Microengineering within Selective Topics in Advanced Manufacturing, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 2019.
35 T. Lippert, Li4-xGe1-xPxO4: Characterisation of the electrical properties in thin films for possible use as solid state electrolytes in microbatteries, Conference on Solid State Ionics-Japan, Fukuoka, Japan, November 2019.
36 T. Lippert, Operando XAS probing dynamic processes during photocatalysis, International Conference on X-ray Lasers (ICXRL), Online conference, December 2020.
37 T. Lippert, Composition of PLD Films: What we can learn from plasma mass spectrometry, TSST Webinar, November 2021
38 T. Lippert, “Grain Boundary Oxygen Diffusion in MIECs”  The Power of Interfaces, Virtual Workshop, 21st April 2021
39 T. Lippert, “The Surface of Complex Oxides; Ion Beam Based Analysis of Energy Materials” 2nd Sept 2021 UK National Ion Beam Centre User Day, University of Surrey/Hybrid event, Invited talk.
40 〇Wenrui Zhang, Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima,“Discovery of Dion-Jacobson-type oxide-ion conductors by screening through Bond-Valence-based energy calculations, synthesis, and characterization of structural and transport properties”, Satellite program in the annual meeting of Ceramic Society of Japan 2021(2021.3.23)
41 Hiroshi Yaguchi, Kotaro Fujii, Yoshinori Tsuchiya, Hiraku Ogino, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, Masatomo Yashima, “Ruddlesden–Popper Oxychlorides Ba3Y2O5Cl2, Sr3Sc2O5Cl2, and Sr2ScO3Cl: First Examples of Oxide-Ion-Conducting Oxychlorides”, International Core-to-Core Conference on Mixed Anion Research for Energy Conversion
42 Yuta Yasui, Takafumi Tsujiguchi, Yuichi Sakuda, Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima, Shuki Torii, Takashi Kamiyama, Yu Zhou, Stephen J. Skinner, “High Oxide-ion Conductivity through the Interstitial Oxygen Site in Ba7Nb3.9Mo1.1O20.05”, International Core-to-Core Conference on Mixed Anion Research for Energy Conversion
43 Wenrui Zhang, Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima, “Oxygen anionic conducting behavior in the Dion–Jacobson phase CsBi2Ti2NbO10-δ”, International Core-to-Core Conference on Mixed Anion Research for Energy Conversion
44 Kei Saito, Kotaro Fujii, Masatomo Yashima, “Oxide-ion and proton conductivity of the ordered perovskite BaY1/3Ga2/3O2.5”, International Core-to-Core Conference on Mixed Anion Research for Energy Conversion
45 T. Lippert, “Advanced Ion Beam based Techniques” Advanced Tools for Materials Characterization Workshop 18th Jan 2022, Virtual Workshop,
46 C. Lawley, D. Pergolesi, A. Hartl, T. Lippert, Thin Films prepared by PLD: model systems for studies using large facilities techniques, 16th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Matsue (Web) Japan, May 2022
47 T. Lippert, Thin Films prepared by PLD: model systems for studying with large facility techniques, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (Web, France), May 2022.
48  C. Lawley, D. Pergolesi, A. Hartl, T. Lippert, Thin Films prepared by PLD: model systems for studies using large facilities techniques, 16th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Matsue (Web) Japan, May 2022.

(3)Domestic conference

1 J. A. Kilner,“Oxygen Surface Exchange: Implications for High Temperature Electrochemical Devices”, The annual discussion meeting of Solid State Ionics of Japan, Tendo, Yamagata, Dec 5th-7th 2018.
2 八島正知・海野航・藤井孝太郎・丹羽栄貴・鳥居周輝・Miao Ping ・神山崇、「パイロクロア型Yb2Ti2O7 の酸化物イオン拡散経路の実験による可視化」、日本セラミックス協会2018年年会、東北大学、2018年3月17日
3 八島正知、「機能性複合アニオン化合物と複合酸化物の構造に基づくデザイン」、日本セラミックス協会2018年年会サテライトプログラム、東北大学、2018年3月15日
4 藤井孝太郎、「機能性セラミックスの精密構造解析と新構造型イオン伝導体の発見」、日本セラミックス協会2018年年会、東北大学、2018年3月17日
5 Masatomo Yashima, Kotaro Fujii, Masahiro Shiraiwa, Keisuke Hibino, Eiki Niwa, John A. Kilner, “Precise Structure Analysis of Materials for Energy and Environment, and Design of New Structure-Type Ion Conductors”, Seminar at Imperial College London (Host: Professor Skinner), Imperial College London, November 8, 2017.
6 Masahiro Shiraiwa, Kotaro Fujii, Yuichi Esaki, Su Jae Kim, Seongsu Lee, Masatomo Yashima, “Crystal structure and oxide-ion conductivity of Ba1+xNd1-xInO4-x/2” , Seminar at Imperial College London (Host: Professor Skinner), Imperial College London, November 8, 2017.
7 Kotaro Fujii, Masahiro Shiraiwa, Eiki Niwa, Masaomoto Yashima, “New Perovskite-Related Structure Family of Oxide-Ion Conducting Materials BaNdInO4” , Seminar at Imperial College London (Host: Professor Skinner), Imperial College London, November 8, 2017.
8 Kwati Leonard, Vincent Thoreton, John Druce, John Kilner, Hiroshige Matsumoto, “Evaluation of Protonation of Air Electrode Materials and Application in Steam Electrosys”, 43th Symposium on Solid State Ionics, Yamagata, Japan, Dec. 5-8th, 2017.
9 Aleksandar Staykov, Ji Wu, Helena Tellez, John Druce, Taner Akbay, Tatsumi Ishihara, John Kilner, “Oxygen Activation and Dissociation on Transition Metal Free Perovskite Surfaces”, Internal seminar at MIT for faculty members, MIT, February 21, 2018.
10 Vincent Thoreton, “The back-exchange in practie under different atmospheres”, Seminar at Imperial College London, Imperial College, London, March 1st, 2018
11 丹羽 栄貴, 藤井 孝太郎, 八島 正知 “結合原子価法と実験による新構造型イオン伝導体の発見”, 第14回固体イオニクスセミナー, 湯沢ニューオータニ. (口頭発表),(2018.9.4)
12 丹羽 栄貴“酸化物形燃料電池空気極材料の酸素量変化を伴う構造・機能変化の熱力学的研究” , 第54回熱測定討論会, 東京工業大学すずかけ台キャンパス(口頭発表), (2018. 11.1)
13 八島 正知, 藤井 孝太郎, 丹羽 栄貴, 陰山 洋, 鳥居 周輝, 米村 雅雄, 神山 崇, 大原 高志“中性子回折を用いた酸化物イオン伝導体および複合アニン化合物の構造物性”, 2018年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ, エポカルつくば (ポスター発表), (2018.3.1)
14 藤井 孝太郎, 八島 正知“中性子回折を用いた酸化物イオン伝導体の構造物性”, 2018年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ, エポカルつくば (口頭発表), (2018.3.2)
15 八島正知, 藤井孝太郎“粉末・単結晶中性子回折による酸化物イオン伝導体と複合アニオン化合物の探索と構造科学”, 日本セラミックス協会 2019年 年会サテライトミーティング「第1回新材料の開発を目指した構造科学研究会」, 工学院大学 (口頭発表), (2018.3.24)
16 藤井孝太郎, 八島正知, 日比野圭佑, 白岩大裕, 中山享, 福田功一郎, 石澤伸夫, 花島隆泰, 大原高志“単結晶中性子回折法によるアパタイト型材料の高酸化物イオン伝導の構造的要因解明”, 日本セラミックス協会 2019年 年会サテライトミーティング「第1回新材料の開発を目指した構造科学研究会」, 工学院大学 (口頭発表), (2018.3.24)
17 ○八島正知,「新構造型イオン伝導体の探索と構造物性」,第15回 新機能無機物質探索研究センター・シンポジウム,東北大学 多元物質科学研究所(2019.8.1)
18 ○八島正知,「新構造型イオン伝導体の探索と構造物性」,第15回 新機能無機物質探索研究センター・シンポジウム,東北大学 多元物質科学研究所(2019.8.1)
19 〇藤井孝太郎,矢口寛,安井雄太,張文鋭,村上泰斗,八島正知,「酸化物イオン伝導体の新材料探索とイオン伝導機構の解明」,日本セラミックス協会第33回秋季シンポジウム(2020.9.2)
20 〇村上泰斗,八島正知,James R. Hester,「本質的な酸素欠損層を持つ新型プロトン伝導体の発見」日本セラミックス協会第33回秋季シンポジウム(2020.9.2)
21 〇藤井孝太郎,村上泰斗,八島正知,萩原雅人,鳥居周輝,齊藤高志,神山崇,池田一貴,大友 季哉,大原高志,「イオン伝導体および複合アニオン化合物の新材料探索と構造物性」,2020年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(2021.3.9)
22 〇八島 正知,辻口 峰史,作田 祐一,安井 雄太,藤井 孝太郎,村上 泰斗,柴田 稔也,鳥居 周輝,神山 崇,Zhou Yu,Skinner Stephen J.,「高酸化物イオン伝導体Ba7Nb4MoO20 系材料の発見とイオン拡散機構」,日本セラミックス協会2021年年会(2021.3.23)
23 ○藤井孝太郎,吉田友芽,単躍進,手塚慶太郎,稲熊宜之,八島正知,「新規ルチル誘導体LiTeO3(OH)の発見」,令和3年度日本結晶学会年会および会員総会(2021.11.19)